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Mantle in Germany:
Staatliches Schulamt in Augsburg
We present two projects that were created at Mittelschule Herrenbach, Augsburg, Germany.
The first, in Geography, was led by Doris Silbereis with a Year 5 class. The second was led by Heike Mengele with a multilingual transition class, Years 5-7. For more information about the school, go to the website here

Class Year 5 class in a German middle school
Curriculum Geography: 'Habitat Earth‘ (climate zones; environment in danger). German: Reading and dealing with texts and other media (understand non-fiction texts and graphics; get informed)

A detective agency, called Herrenbach Lupe by the class.

A backpack is found. It smells as if it had been in a fire. Should we open it? The backpack functions as a ´speaking object´ (drama convention) and can answer the students´ questions. It belonged to two children: Isabela and Rodriguez. The task is now to find the children who lost the backpack. As they had to flee from a forest fire, the backpack might be the only thing remained from their home. Now the students have to work like detectives to find out what had happened.

Building the 'Frame'
The class form teams and make plans to start searching. Where were forest fires lately? They listen to news on TV and radio; read newspapers; search the Internet; and present the results on a wallpaper chart

Introducing the 'commission' and the 'client'
A letter brings the commission from an environmental organization called 'Green Life'. Because of the huge number of forest fires all over the world, they need help in order to evaluate the fires and the damages.

Fulfilling the 'commission'
Tasks to complete the commission included: researching forest fires in 2017; marking the countries on a map; creating a record of country, area, damage and cause of the fire

The 'publication'
The final outcome was a report/e-mail to Green Life with the record of fires in 2017, and facts established (all fires broke out in hot and dry areas); and attached maps
You can find out about Mantle work at the school in this video .
The second video is a short film (in German) about the 'Habitat Earth' project
In the following project, with a multilingual transition class, the focus was on intercultural learning.

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Class 16 students of a multilingual transition class, Year 5-7 ; + 8 students of a Year 5 class in a middle school
Curriculum General learning targets: Intercultural learning, self- competences, social learning, creative thinking. GSL / German: Speaking practice, using structures while authentically communicating; writing dialogues and scripts, acting out dialogues (scenic play)

An Arts Education Organisation

Teacher in role as a client (Frau Hut) who runs an agency called 'Sad Children's Aid.' She describes the situation of two sad children. The students start an inquiry, brainstorming ways to help and encourage these children. They come up with the idea to create stories around invented superheroes.

Building the 'Frame'
The class form 4 teams and make plans how to create the superheroes and their stories. The teams are given some training in different performance genres: rap; ‘stocking’ puppet theatre; drama/play; acrobatics /circus. (Training provided by university students in role as ‘experts.’)

Introducing the 'commission' and the 'client'
The teacher in role (Frau Hut) hears the plans and commissions the teams to produce the superheroes characters.

Fulfilling the 'commission'
Over the next 12 weeks, the teams prepare a 'showcase' to present their superhero characters. Frau Hut sometimes visits the expert groups while they are working or she asks to be informed about the progress via e-mail.

The 'publication'
The final outcome is an evening of music, play and entertainment. The different realisations of the 'superheroes-stories' are presented to an audience and recorded on video to be sent to the agency.
Here is a short video (in German) about the project.